All Episodes

Wednesday, January 25, 2023 The $&!% You Need To Know: Helfire, AMS, or Both?

What are my considerations when using water condtioners? NDSU weed guide says AMS is great but my local retailer says Helfire can do the same thing, d...

Sunday, January 22, 2023 Agronomy On Ice Preview 2023

Have you attended or thought about attending Agronomy On Ice? If you venture out to Devils Lake, ND on 2/1/2023 you will find the greatest Ag show on ...

Wednesday, January 18, 2023 The $&!% You Need To Know: Soybean Pres Western North Dakota

What are good soybean post planting, pre-emerge products for kochia and foxtails? This was the question pulled from AGvisorPRO this week. Options may ...

Sunday, January 15, 2023 Crops, Capital, Costs, & Cash: Talking w/Morgan Stutrud on The ND Farm Management Education Program

This week we get the pleasure to talk to Morgan Stutrud, an instructor for the ND Farm Management Education program. We talk about what it is that the...

Wednesday, January 11, 2023 The $&!% You Need To Know: Reverse Osmosis Spray Water

If using a reverse osmosis system for spray water can one reduce the rate of herbicide being used because of increase efficacy? A great question comin...

Sunday, January 8, 2023 All Aboard! Next Stop NDSU Extension: Interview w/Lindsay Overmyer

We get a real happy hour opportunity this week to talk with Lindsay Overmyer. Lindsay is the Ramsey county NDSU Extension agent and we find out what p...

Wednesday, December 21, 2022 The $&!% You Need To Know: Avadex Timing

What is the proper timing to use Avadex herbicide? A great question asked on AGvisorPRO recently that has a lot of variables: tillage, no-till, liquid...

Sunday, December 11, 2022 Digging Deep Into Biologicals With Bodie Kitchel

Happy hour this week was spent with Bodie Kitchel. Bodie is an outstanding agronomist that wears many hats, we dive deep into the world of biologicals...

Wednesday, December 7, 2022 The $&!% You Need To Know: Low pH & Phosphorus Availability

How to improve availability of phosphorus in soils that are low in pH, that is the question asked this week from the AGvisorPRO app that we invited Lu...

Sunday, December 4, 2022 Breaking The Mold: Talking Regen Ag With Carolyn Wingate

Carolyn Wingate refers to herself as a corporate dropout, but did so to pursue starting her own business, Win Biologics. We really enjoyed our convers...

Wednesday, November 30, 2022 The $&!% You Need To Know: Converting From Dry Nitrogen To Liquid Nitrogen In Canola

What are the equipment and application differences needed to switch from a dry nitrogen fertilizer source to a liquid nitrogen source? A question that...

Sunday, November 27, 2022 The Rogue Agronomist: Agronomy Truths with Kyle Stull

Kyle is no stranger to the Agronomists Happy Hour, we dive right into some fun topics like his TikTok account @stullagronomy where he uses a blog styl...

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