Wednesday, June 8, 2022
The $&!% You Need To Know: Kochia Control In Emerging Wheat
The question we pulled off the AGvisorPRO app this week asked: what herbicide options are there that can control up to 3 inch tall kochia in wheat tha...
Sunday, June 5, 2022
Farmin' Sand: Southwest Georgia Ag with Luke Johnson - Part 1
This week happy hour takes us down to southwestern Georgia to spend some time talking with Luke Johnson and learning about his corner of the world. We...
Wednesday, June 1, 2022
The $&!% You Need To Know: Spreading vs Seeding Canola
The $h!t you need to know this week pulled off the AGvisorPRO app asked: would it be ok to broadcast canola seed and fertilizer in one pass and work i...
Sunday, May 29, 2022
Keep Your Records Straight: Bookkeepers in Agronomy
This week we spend happy hour with Carla and Roxanne, bookkeepers that both Jason and Kyle have known for some time. Bookkeeping is an essential part ...
Wednesday, May 25, 2022
The $&!% You Need To Know: How Much H20 to Incorporate Urea
How much precipitation does it take to fully incorporate urea and not loose any nitrogen to volatility? There is a straight forward answer here (spoil...
Sunday, May 22, 2022
Higher Cotton: Talking Mississippi Ag With Greg Flint
This happy hour we go south to the Mississippi Delta and talk ag with Greg Flint. We have a lot of fun talking to Greg about cotton, rice, sweet potat...
Wednesday, May 18, 2022
The $&!% You Need To Know: In Field Soil Sensors
Are there widely accepted "in field" soil sensors on the market and if not so, why? This question came across our que on AGvisorPRO and we g...
Sunday, May 15, 2022
Bee Keepers vs Bee Havers: Happy Hour With Rogan Tokach
Happy hour this week is with Rogan Tokach. Rogan is an entomology grad student at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln who is studying honey bees. He...
Wednesday, May 11, 2022
The $&!% You Need To Know: Importance of H2O Carrier Volume With AIM
The question we picked from AGvisorPRO this week is regarding how important is water carrier volume when applying AIM (carfentrazone) herbicide. List...
Sunday, May 8, 2022
Sprayers 101 Meets AHHP: Happy Hour With Jason Deveau & Tom Wolf
Happy hour this week was spent with Jason Deveau and Tom Wolf, the creators of Sprayers 101. Not only have we utilized their sprayers 101 resource for...
Wednesday, May 4, 2022
The $&!% You Need To Know: 24D Alternatives in Barley & Durum
What you need to know this week is all about finding alternatives to the almighty "kicker" in small grains herbicide applications...2,4-D. ...
Sunday, May 1, 2022
Agronomy in a Retail Perspective: Happy Hour With Gina Panuska
We head back to northeastern Iowa this week and this time we talk to Gina Panuska. Gina is works as an retail agronomist and we discuss many great top...